María Jesús Gómez de Tejada-Romero, Carmen Murias-Henríquez, Delvis Rodríguez-Abreu, Frank de la Rosa-Fernández, Nerea Suárez-Ramírez, Adolfo Murias Rosales, Diego Hernández-Hernández, Manuel Sosa Henríquez
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Purpose: to study the possible association between long-term treatment with aromatase inhib-itors and deteriorated bone quantity and quality in postmenopausal women with breast can-cer, leading to a higher prevalence of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. Methods: case and control study. 104 women with breast cancer who had been taking AIs for a median of 3 years were the cases and 104 women of similar age, height and weight made up the control group. We measured biochemical parameters of bone remodeling, vitamin D (25HCC) and PTH. Bone mineral density was determined by bone densitometry in the lumbar spine and in the proximal femur, and TBS in the lumbar spine. Finally, QUS parameters of the dominant foot were estimated. Results: 46.3 % of patients had osteoporosis compared to 16.1 % of controls 38.4 % of these women had suffered at least one fragility fracture, compared to 20.1 % of controls. Women with AI had lower values of bone mass as well as QUS and TBS. Only 9.6 % of women receiving AI had optimal 25HCC levels (greater than 30 ng/mL) compared to 20.2 % of controls. In the logistic regression analysis, the variables associated with the presence of fragility fractures were the time taking AI, vitamin D levels, TBS and beta-crosslaps (CTX). TBS correlated with QUI (r = 0.754. p < 0.01). Conclusions: AIs cause a decrease of bone mass and an alteration in bone quality which in-crease the risk of fractures. After having had AI for at least 3 years, 46.3 % had densitometric osteoporosis and 38.4 % had suffered at least one fragility fracture. Less than half of the pa-tients had prescribed calcium and vitamin D and less than 20 % some drug for osteoporosis.
Palabras Clave: Breast cancer. Osteoporosis. Aromatase inhibitors. Fragility fractures. Bone quality. Quantita-tive ultrasound.
Lorena Pena Larrea , Manuela de Blas Rodríguez , Manuel Naves Díaz , Carlos Gómez Alonso
Álvaro del Real , Raquel Cruz , José Manuel Olmos Martínez , José L. Hernández , Carmen Valero Díaz de la Madrid , José Antonio Riancho Moral
Luis Imaicela Naula , Enrique López Gavilánez , Manuel Navarro Chávez , Mario Hernández Bonilla , Noemi Bautista Litardo , Mario Navarro Grijalva
Manuel Muñoz Torres
Luis Miguel Imaicela Naula , Enrique López Gavilánez
Íñigo Etxebarria Foronda , José Ramón Cairo , Francisco Jesús Olmo Montes , María Jesús Moro Álvarez , Pilar Peris Bernal , Teresa Pareja , José Manuel Cancio Trujillo , Antonio Naranjo , Verónica Pérez del Río , Esteban Jódar , Manuel García Goñi , Josep Vergés , Stefano Maratia , Ignasi Campos Tapias , Laura Benedito Palos , Susana Aceituno
Perla Marisol Cantellano-Sánchez , Alejandra Isabel Ortega-Meléndez , Rafael Velázquez-Cruz , Rogelio Frank Jiménez-Ortega
Álvaro del Real , Laura López Delgado , Carolina Sañudo , Belén García Montesinos , Carlos Wert Carvajal , María Esther Laguna Bercero , Carmen García Ibarbia , José Sainz Aja , Diego Ferreño , José A. Casado , Guillermo Menéndez , María Isabel Pérez Núñez , José Antonio Riancho Moral
Álvaro Pérez Martín , José Ramón López Lanza , Javier Bustamante Odriozola , José ignacio Gutiérrez Revilla , María José Agüeros-Fernández , Alejandro Pérez-Guijarro , José Manuel Olmos , Víctor Manuel Martínez Taboada , José Luis Hernández Hernández
Jennifer Cabello-Sanz , Itziar Álvarez-Iglesias , Vito Lomele , Daniel García-Sánchez , Alberto González-González , Flor Maria Pérez-Campo
Xavier Nogués Solán , Diana Ovejero , Carmen Giménez-Argente , Jaime Rodríguez-Morera , Abora Rial-Villavecchia , Eloi García-Vives , María Lourdes Cos , Jade Soldado-Folgado , Mariona Llaberia , Ariadna Brasé Arnau , Irene Petit , Rosa Ana Sabaté , Jose María Mora-Luján , Charlotte Beaudart , Stuart Silverman , Mickael Hiligsmann , Natalia Garcia-Giralt
Cristina Carbonell Abella , Rafael Manuel Micó-Pérez , Francisco Vargas Negrín , José Carlos Bastida-Calvo , Pilar Aguado Acín
Manuel Díaz Curiel , José Luis Neyro Bilbao , María José Andrade-Poveda , Ignacio Mahíllo-Fernández
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